The COVID-19 Pandemic reminded us the importance of water and food once more...
Prof. Dr. Meriç Albay from the Department of Freshwater Resources Management at the Faculty of Aquatic Sciences, İstanbul University evaluated the current status of our seas and water resources and also impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on our water resources and environment.
Prof. Dr. Albay, reminded three key rules are essential: social distance, isolation and self-care (hand washing etc.) during Covid-19 Pandemic and he said: ”Water” has never been well understood and discussed like this period. The Covid-19 Pandemic reminded us the importance of water and food. The importance of the Faculty of Aquatic Sciences, which educates students as qualified engineers in Water Resources Management, Water Safety and Food Safety areas, has increased in this period.
Prof. Dr. Albay, who also gave information about our seas and freshwater resources in Turkey, said there was destruction of the water quality and ecosystem in some parts of the Black Sea and Aegean Sea, especially in the Marmara Sea. He said: "We have misbehaved especially to the Marmara Sea in the past. We discharged the domestic and industrial wastewaters into the sea without any treatment. The water quality status of the Golden Horn and İzmit Bay has decreased to the 4th level. We have caused significant damage to biodiversity. Although the water quality has been increasing apparently after the precautions which had been taken in recent years, it is essential that sustainable and observable precautions should be taken."
Prof. Dr. Albay mentioned that freshwater resources in our country face more significant problems. He said: "The amount of available water per capita has decreased below 1400 m3 in our country with a population of 82 million. We have the risk of becoming a water-poor country before 2030. As stated in the European Union Water Framework Directive, we need to manage water with an integrated water resource management approach. The water cycle and usage of water must be monitored in every single step and eliminate all the threats for water quality. It is necessary to understand the water footprint and unnecessary water consumption actually means stealing from our future."
“The Disinfectants and Detergents That We Used are Discharged Into Our Waters”
Prof. Dr. Albay noted that many chemicals used more to protect against to the viruses during the pandemic. He said: "Excessive detergent expenditures are being made. However, the disinfectants, detergents that we used are now discharged into our waters. It's quite possible that thesecpompounds will be accumulated by aquatic organisms. I would like especially municipalities to be more careful about this issue." Prof. Dr. Albay, added some suggestions to prevent the increasing water consumption: "As a citizen living in İstanbul, believe me, l’m keeping an eye on the water levels of the dams shared by İstanbul Water and Sewerage Administration every day. In the middle of April, water level is 70% in dams. I’m concerned about the end of summer and autumn if it does not rain enough in the Marmara Region in May at the end of April. İstanbul needs to save it’s water more than ever.
Prof. Dr. Albay mentioned that we have individual responsibilities in water consumption during the pandemic: "Every citizen in Turkey, every family can control itself. It's actually very simple, for example, when you brush your teeth, not to forget the tap water, taking out of all type of avoiding excessive consumption, check the water installations systems in our homes. It's important to remember that liters of water are used even for an ordinary item we use in our life. We need to start from ourselves first in avoiding excessive comsumption ," adding that water should be used very carefully in everywhere in our lives.